So You Want To Get In Shape?
Let’s create the roadmap with these simple steps to success this year!
It seems this year’s silly season has hit home in a big way! Every second person is hitting me up with a weight loss goal, or mentioning they need to drop 5 kegs. Seriously it must have been a huge December/ January.
So today let’s get things underway for the year ahead!
Firstly, I am not a ‘get fixed quick guy’, but I do understand that results motivate us. Let’s look at cleaning up our act and see the muffin top reduce a bit and get in shape!
However, I say this, if it were easy we would all be rocking around the gym, lean as like ‘coach Jay’. The fact is most don’t have that discipline. I don’t say it to scare you but it’s a fact. Being lean isn’t a by product of a “$&@k it I will eat what I want tonight” attitude. Once you get to where you want however, it is possible to introduce ‘sometimes’ foods. Right now it’s important to get there first!!!
Like is mentioned in the ‘7 habits of highly effective people you must ‘put first things first’! and I tell you, in 28 days you will feel awesome about your progress.
Get Purpose

a) First, where do you want to be in December 2019? (Point b) I.e. drop 10!
b) Second is why? What will achieving your goal do for you? Why must you change now? This is most important
c) Third, do an honest self assessment and ask:
“Why am I where I am now?” (Which is Point a)
Today I heard the following from client ‘jack’.
“I need to get to 100 kilos. Everything is easier when I’m under a ton and I have too many clothes in my closet collecting dust.
I have been there before and want that again!
I’m in this shape because I lost my enthusiasm to workout due to a new business.”
In this statement, there are some hidden ‘power’ words. Let’s take a look.
The goal is clear.
There is an emotional connection to the goal, ‘how they felt’ as well as the ‘cost’ of the clothes.
The real motivation for Jack is the way in which he felt wearing the clothes and what it meant he was able to do. This is something perhaps you have experienced before and can ‘feel’ it.
Next- The Roadmap to Get In Shape
Ask yourself:
What does the ‘you’ who owns their goal in December do? Compared to the ‘you’ now?
These following two points will help create your roadmap and gives you action points to work on.
Completion goals. Aka ‘bams’ (Bare ass minimums) for Jack were:
- Move every second day as a minimum- looking at 250-350 movemnet minutes per week for fat loss.
- Have a good plan 5 days per week and choose healthy options two days a week (this gives a little freedom in choice over the weekend but Jack is still expected to choose wisely).
- Use a trainer weekly- Accountability to a person or program gets results.
Next ‘new month resolutions’ to get in shape
I’m totally over New Year Resolutions but instead a massive fan of ‘new month habits’.
This is the second part to your completion goals, as these are ‘stretch goals’. This means we set a goal for a realistic time frame and see it through. Research shows 28 days is highly achievable.
Now like Jack, I want you to choose habits that you know you need to work on. Don’t ‘BS’ here. Pick the ‘nitty gritty’ and do it. Like I said, most people simply don’t push themselves and instead take the route of ‘takin it easy’, or “I used to do that but now I try to relax”.
Well we are not! We are taking responsibility and seeing it through. Most people don’t finish what they start but this time ‘we’ will.
Two types of new month resolution’s are:
1. Daily practices- walk every day, 12000 steps, ‘x’ water per day, read daily, stretch daily, meditate, juice daily, fast daily, etc
2. Eliminations- keep these simple and be successful. My favourite eliminations for fat loss are:
No refined foods
Cut out sugars
Quit bread
Drop alcohol
Eat less than 100 grams of carbs
All these are proven to support fat loss but the key is trying one at a time and learning about your body. They are not as hard as it seems and in 28 days you can really see some great results
So here is Jacks plan:
February ‘Get in shape’ plan
5 day meal plan
We decided to stick to the same meals Monday to Friday, over the month. I.e. Steak greens and chard vet on a Monday. His favourite ‘spicy chicken couscous salad and tzatziki’ on a Tuesday and so on…This makes planning easier and cuts out the guess work.
Second to this for Jack, is to prepare his lunch every day, seven days a week. See my tips here on this which makes a huge difference.
No bread. Simple. Do it and see the difference!
Part 2 to get in shape, we will discuss nutrition planning and what to eat!
Get started with this and in a few days I will post more!
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Dion Mychalyn